View of the Gate and the city skyline from Marin Headlands

We cycle past Chrissy Field, the Presidio, east on Lombard, then south on Valencia into Mission District...no better way to explore San Francisco than on a bicycle.
Mark, Uli, Sabine and I return the next day by bus, spend the day walking the city, to the Embarcadero, then up Broadway, past the classy strip joints, and into Chinatown ... cheap delicious Dim Sum, pushing through wads of smiling Chinese who bark their orders to the shopkeepers of the amazing fish and produce markets....dried sea cucumbers heaped in boxes, salted dried fish, every creature in the sea for sale....
Statue of Mahatma Ghandi at the Embarcadero, Bay Bridge in background. the inscription reads:
"Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of Mankind. It is the supreme law. By it alone can mankind be saved."

Golden Gate Bridge at night from Marin Headlands
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