After obigatory photos at the "Welcome to Fairbanks" sign, and a stop at the Visitors Center, I proceeded to the Chena River State Campground at the west end of town, where I found Jeanne in site #117 setting up her tent. A grand reunion, indeed...( actually a second reunion - she and Mary Lou passed me on the road between Tok and Delta Junction a few days ago ).
Jeanne and I celebrated last evening with a lovely dinner at an Italian place in historic downtown Fairbanks - I had Napolitano pizza, Jeanne had the Ravioli....Then we drove up the Old Steese Highway to the Silver Gulch Brewing Co. in Fox for a sampling of their craft beers -the Fairbanks Lager and Copper Creek Amber Ale were standouts.
It feels good to have met this challenge. I've gained confidence from the experience - reckon I'm prepared for something even bigger now: Anchorage to Argentina, Trans-Siberian.....
I hope you're all well...thanks to all who have emailed encouragement. It meant a lot to me.
I'll post more later.... Right now I've got to get my clothes from the laundromat next door....At this moment, I'm wearing only my tuk and Smartwool socks,...( the only clean stuff I had left !).....and the folks in the coffeeshop are staring ;?)
My best to all of you....Doug in Fairbanks
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